Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Education Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Program Planning/Long-Range Planning/Short-Range Planning/Comprehensive Planning/Educational Planning Model/Planning Guide/Planning Handbook/Educational Change/Decision-Making Process/Program Design/Needs Assessment/ Goals/Objectives/Impact Analysis/Implementation/Monitoring/ Program Evaluation/Educational Management/School lmprovement


Increasing student population, changing demographics, increasing community expectations and limited resources have combined in the district under study to warrant modification in the planning of educational programs having districtwide impact or significant cost. Interviews with the executive staff within the organization and their program planners verified the need for change in planning major programs. The focus of this study was the evolution of a Program Planning Model to address this need developed in collaboration with the primary decision-makers and program planners. During formulation of the developmental planning phase of this document, additional components were added at the request of the assistant superintendent for District Planning to include implementation, monitoring and evaluation. After a six-month piloting of the planning document, results were determined by using a follow-up questionnaire for program planners and decision-makers. Because of time constraints, evaluation of the model was based on the developmental planning components only; the operational components--implementation, monitoring, and evaluation--will be evaluated after a three to five year period by the sponsoring department. Results based on the developmental portion of the planning document reveal a high percentage among program planners who are in agreement that the model is beneficial to them as planners and a majority in agreement among decision-makers that the model is beneficial to them as decision-makers. About a quarter in the latter group were undecided about some statements. This view is likely the result of inadequate time to assess the success of long-term decisions based on the use of the model. Appendices include interview questions used to assess need, monitoring log sheet, and evaluation questionnaires.

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