Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Education Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Networks, Local Area Networks, Computer Networks, Computer Uses in Education, Computer Software, Computer Oriented Programs, Computer Literacy, Program Development, Program Implementation, Middle Schools


This practicum was developed in response to a concern that a week-long Orientation Program did not eliminate the difficulties experienced by sixth graders "signing- on" the school’s Local Area Network. Class printouts demonstrated a noticeable discrepancy between the number of skills students were programmed to complete and the actual number completed. To remedy this situation, a computer program was developed to introduce practicum participants to networking; to explain the "signing-on" process in a clear, concise way; and to demonstrate the proper use of the computer control keys needed to successfully use the networking software. Results showed marked improvement in the use of the LAN by those students who viewed the program complement. This tutorial is now recognized as an integral part in the implementation of the school's networking program. Appendices include a Pre/Post Test, charts to demonstrate progress made, glossary, and computer printout of the program complement.

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