Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


English as a Second Language, Bilingual Education, Language Acquisition, Second Language Learning, Verbal Communication, Oral Reading, Language Experience Approach, Child Language, Expressive Language


The author structured and implemented lessons for a model home economics program to aid limited-English-proficient (LEP) students in an elementary school district where a substantial number of students were identified as being educationally disadvantaged. The program's goals were to help the LEP students increase English language proficiency while acquiring content area skills and competencies. The program's structured lessons contained six basic components: vocabulary development, scripted lesson, audiovisual presentation, teacher demonstration, student hands-on activity, and teacher/student evaluation. After completion of the eight lessons, the twenty target LEP students demonstrated measurable, significant gains not only in content area knowledge, skills and competencies but, also in the acquisition of English language proficiency. It was evident by the results that the model home economics program is a workable program for the integration of second language learning and content area curriculum for LEP students. The model structure was recommended for further implementation in the other home economics areas and other Junior High academic classes. Appendices include pre and post test, sample lessons and activity sheets, teacher checklist, student checklist, summary of learning card, sample recipes and an audiovisual list.

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