Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Research and Development, Performance, Factors, Observations, Credentials, Measures and Measurements, Needs Assessments, Personnel Evaluations, Progress Evaluations, Summative Evaluations, Evaluation Criteria, Evaluation Methods, Evaluation Needs, Educational Assessments, Educational Experiences, Educational Opportunities, Educational Development, Leadership Training, Supervision, Abilities, Management Development, Leadership Qualities, Innovation.


The author examined the effectiveness of the Leadership Experience Program (LEO), a new and innovative program designed to prepare assistant principals to become effective principles. Participants were able to respond to questions related to the three main components: Administrative Skills, Instructional Leadership Skills, and Interpersonal Relations Skills, the results showed that LEO was a successful means of training administrative. Recommendations included involving teachers, parents and cooperating principles in future evaluations of the summer program.

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