Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Adult Education, Arterial Blood gas Interpretation, Continuing Education for Nurses, Independent Study, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Module Design, Nursing Education, Self-Directed Learning, Self-Instruction


The author developed implemented a self-instructional module on Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation for medical and surgical nurses. The program's goal was to provide more accessible continuing education for nurses who identified a need to learn Arterial Blood Gas Analysis. Nurses needed a supplemental learning program to educate them in current nursing practices at their convenience because they could not attend classes. The module contained learner objectives, educational content, learner activities, feedback and pre- and post-instructional measures. Additionally, a survey was used to establish the nurses’ reactions to the curriculum style. Modules were distributed to those nurses who identified a need for review in this area. The program was successful, in that almost double the number of nurses were reached through self-instruction than through traditional classroom settings in a cost-effective and time-saving manner. The author recommended that educators develop modules in other subjects as a supplement to traditional instructional methods. This valuable teaching tool can be shared and implemented throughout the nursing community. Appendices include sample questionnaires, module outline, implementation schedule and test score comparisons.

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