Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Elementary Education, Primary Education, Early Childhood Education, Grade 1, Writing (Composition), Writing Readiness, Writing Instruction, Writing Skills, Writing Evaluation, Creative Writing, Motivational Techniques, Evaluation Methods


The author developed and implemented a writing program to aid first grade students in acquiring skills and confidence needed to perform as independent writers on a voluntary basis. The program's goals were to increase the frequency of independent writing behaviors, improve writing skills and develop a positive attitude toward the task of writing. The program centered around a collection of techniques and strategies used to motivate and instruct young children on writing skills. Students engaged in daily structured writing activities or independent writing endeavors over a ten-week period. At the end of the program, the frequency of independent writing behavior was significantly increased, skill improvement was validated and an increase in motivation noted. The program has been recommended for presentation at in-service training. (Appendices include surveys, tables that identify and compare characteristics for pre and post writing samples, tabulated results on frequency of writing behaviors, listings of strategies used, and pre and post writing samples for three students).

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