Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Achievement, Curriculum, Educational Leadership, Secondary Education, Social Studies, Students, Teachers


The program involved the development of materials for the instruction and testing of geography related performance standards to the American History curriculum. The program’s aim were twofold: 1) to assist the teacher in that materials were not available and 2) to address the problem of low achievement of the students in their basic geographical knowledge and its application to American History. The problems addressed by this practicum were identified by both teacher questionnaire and student pre-tests. Over nine-week period, students constructed a historical atlas of maps which correlated with the students/ regular history studies. Students also received a study guide dealing with the applications of the maps for review and testing. The atlas, study guide, and test materials were all developed by the author. The successful results of this program are documented by the materials produced and students’ test results. Appendices include pre- and post-tests, instructional materials, and table of research results.

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