Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice


Daniel W. “Chip” Turner

Committee Member

Gina Peyton


commuting students, student engagement, satisfaction, gender, program


This applied dissertation was intended to determine the satisfaction rate and utilization of campus resources, services, and programs for commuter students. The researcher analyzed the data for this study using the National Survey of Engagement. Based on the responses, the initial size of the group had to be modified. The survey was administered during COVID-19. The population that was used for this study consisted of six commuter freshman males and 19 commuter females, as well as 19 senior male and 24 female students at an urban institution. The data that were used involved archival data from the NSSE. The data collected and analyzed from this study aided in recommendations for developing and recognizing the need for commuter student programs and services offered at institutions of higher learning.

The study’s findings underscored the significant role of gender in shaping the satisfaction rates of commuter students. This insight suggests the need for different approaches to enhance student engagement, fostering a stronger sense of campus belonging and connection. The outcomes of this study may serve as a crucial guide in developing targeted services, programs, and resources that meet the needs of commuter students. Ultimately, these initiatives aim to enhance their academic experiences and satisfaction levels at institutions of higher learning.

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