"A Qualitative Study of Novice Primary Grade Teachers’ Challenges of Te" by Jo Yolanda Smith

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice


Roslyn Doctorow

Committee Member

Ronnie Hunter


reading, guided reading, phonological awareness, early literacy concepts


Not all teachers are prepared to teach reading following graduation from a teacher program. Often, teachers are taught “about” reading but not how to teach reading with fidelity. Depending on the district, reading curriculums are chosen by a group of stakeholders, which sometimes does not involve the district's teachers. Districts utilize many reading curricula to teach reading, and the training is done throughout the year when the reading curriculum is being rolled out. Novice teachers are often lost as they were not trained in teaching reading in their teacher programs and find themselves stressed having to learn the curriculum as they teach. Novice teachers from an elementary school were interviewed to share their perceptions on teaching reading with limited training.

The following research questions were addressed: 1. How prepared are seven novice teachers in an elementary school in Georgia to teach reading Using Fountas & Pinnell reading or other reading curricula? (Main question) 2. What training did new teachers receive in their teacher training program to teach reading? 3. What recommendations would novice teachers make to teacher training institutions and school districts about the support needed for them to teach reading using best practices?

Findings showed that novice primary teachers did not receive adequate training in their teacher training programs to reach reading proficiency. The teachers in the study learned to teach reading on the job. However, their school district and worksite provide ongoing training to teachers through Professional Learning and their “Terrific Tuesday” days, where the learning focus is Reading.

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