"A Study of a Bring Your Own Device Initiative" by Myriame Delva Pierre

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice


Karen Kimball

Committee Member

Peter Ross


device, educators, implementation, initiative, students, technology


The intended purpose of this applied dissertation was to examine how teachers use student-owned technology devices for learning in the classroom and to determine how the use of these devices influence teacher planning and the classroom environment. The Bring Your Own Device initiative was an effort to prepare students by allowing them to use and leverage technology devices in the classroom to advance and enhance their learning (Greer, 2013). It is an initiative that incorporates the use of handheld technology devices into schools to better motivate student engagement. The study determined that mobile devices, as a significant part of daily life, including computers, tablets, smart phones, Internet access, and learning applications are indispensable for learning. The purpose of this correlation study was to examine the preferences and agreeableness of teachers toward the implementation of the Bring Your Own Device Technology Program at an all-boys, private, Catholic high school in Massachusetts. Because the teachers are the key source of effectively communicating the knowledge and information to the students and play a leading role in carrying out the teaching and learning practices within the classroom, it was important to understand their preferences and their level of agreeableness as to whether or not the implementation of the Bring Your Own Device technology had a positive impact on the overall learning culture and performance of students. Ninety-seven teacher participants responded to Likert-ranked survey items and semi- structured interview questions, with eight teachers responding to narrative surveys to corroborate insights from the study survey responses. The analysis of the study results indicated the use of technology in the classroom through the Bring Your Own Device technology altered traditional teaching styles, techniques, and strategies, with students taking center stage in their learning while teachers served as facilitators. The study benefits administrators, teachers, students, and parents as student learning increases due to the initiation of the Bring Your Own Device technology.

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