"Exploring the Aftermath of Cyber and Traditional Bullying Victimizatio" by Latasha L. Young

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


Hardwick Johnson Jr.

Committee Member

Theodore Kinasewitz


Bullying, Cyberbullying, Traditional Bullying


The problem addressed in the research study was that cyber bullying and traditional bullying continued to increase at the research site during the past 4 years. The purpose of the study was to determine the influences of mental health services that were designed to decrease the negative effects of both cyber and traditional bullying on adolescent clients’ health and academic performance. This applied dissertation was designed to examine the experiences of cyber and traditional bullying victimization of adolescents’ mental health and academic success, within a large southern state in the United States, to provide practical solutions to address the concerns that cyber and traditional bullying had on the mental health and academic success of students. With the enhancement and popularity of technology, bullying is on the increase (Castile, 2013). Through news outlets and social media, numerous videos demonstrate acts of bullying. Representatives and legislators have implemented policies and procedures to address bullying within the schools. However, the occurrence of bullying and cyberbullying was on a constant rise.

A qualitative phenomenological study was completed to determine the effects of mental health services on the negative effects of cyber and traditional bullying among clients at a local mental health agency. The researcher used a survey protocol to examine the experiences of adolescent clients who have experienced bullying victimization. The survey consisted of 19 open-ended questions addressing bullying victimization and how it impacted their mental health and academic success. The sample consisted of 11 adolescents, between the ages of 10 and 19 years who were willing to participate.

The results indicated that bullying victimization was pervasive among adolescent clients at the research site. Additionally, the findings of this study proved that cyber bullying and traditional bullying continued to increase at the research site during the past 4 years. The research also indicated that bullying victimization impeded mental health and academic performance of the participants. In summary, the researcher suggested further education and professional development workshops that were designed to clearly define bullying and provide adequate responses to bullying victimization.
