"American Epidemic: The Societal and Multi-generational Impacts Caused " by Jessica Younts

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


Marcelo Castro

Committee Member

Grace A. Telesco

Committee Member

Tina Jaeckle


collateral consequences, cycles of incarceration and poverty, mass incarceration, recidivism, reentry, women


This study examined the social impacts of incarcerating women, specifically mothers, as well as the far-reaching collateral consequences that the mass incarceration of women in the United States has on formerly incarcerated women’s successful reintegration back into society and analyzed how the harsh policies that exist detrimentally impact family members and society as a whole. This study revealed several themes that show the far reaching damage incarceration itself has on women and their families and provides a more comprehensive analysis of the incalculable costs of mass incarceration. By raising awareness to the long-term impact on society, this research can provide a basis to reexamine current policies and help highlight and drive the need for systemic change within the criminal justice system’s failed approach to crime, punishment, and reentry.
