"Cultural Diversity in Education: Examining the Challenges and Issues o" by Terry Laverne Rolle

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


Roslyn Doctorow

Committee Member

Teri Williams


discrimination, LGBTQ, phenomenology, sexual orientation, Students, tertiary institution


This research study examined the challenges and issues faced by LGBTQ students attending a tertiary education institution in The Bahamas. Utilizing a phenomenological analytical process, seven individuals gave information regarding their lived experiences in a tertiary institution in The Bahamas. Data for this research study were collected through two 60-minute in-depth interview sessions. This qualitative study was guided by the theoretical frameworks of the planned approach to change and the theory of resilience, both of which were used to inform the elements of the research. Many research studies have been conducted in regard to the experiences faced by LGBTQ students while in an academic setting, and the findings of this research were consistent with the literature. The students face abuse and discrimination in a very consistent manner, and this has led to physical and mental health challenges.

This qualitative study used three research questions to procure the answers related to the LGBTQ participants’ lived experiences at a tertiary institution in The Bahamas. To date, there have never been any research studies such as this conducted at the institution. After transcribing the data, the researcher was able to isolate five themes: (a) LGBTQ student awareness and visibility, (b) need for more supportive faculty and staff, (c) improving the campus climate and safety, (d) LGBTQ student resources and support, and (e) learning to cope with the challenges.

The results of this research study can be useful to bring about academic community awareness that will expose the plight of the LGBTQ students while they are enrolled in academic settings in The Bahamas. Moreover, it can be used to help tertiary education institutions create policies and laws that will respect and honor the rights of LGBTQ students while they are in the academic setting.
