

Screen Fatigue and how AI can Assist

As a society, we are all too aware of the sudden and significant evolution of the higher education environment; classrooms that once consisted of only desks, chairs, and chalkboards in a brick-and-mortar auditorium have now largely become part of the technological landscape. We are also frequently reminded of the negative consequences of the online learning format - obesity, sleep problems, chronic neck and back issues, and "Zoom fatigue," among others. However, another relatively new "existence" now contributes to the distance learning format - Artificial Intelligence or “AI.”

In addition to its academic applications, AI allows for personalized learning experiences, for example, that allow for analysis of specific learning patterns that eliminate a one-size-fits-all approach to education. In addition, AI-driven emotional support systems have created safe spaces for students to express their feelings and concerns. These and many other AI-powered tools are now available and can significantly improve the mental health of distance learners by promoting a sense of security and reducing feelings of isolation.

The positive influences of AI on the mental health of e-learners are undeniable. We look forward to sharing even more ideas about how this new technology has the power to positively affect the mental health and well-being of members of today's academic community!



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