

This case study delves into the development of an online PhD program in Health Sciences at Liberty University, highlighting valuable lessons learned and offering insights for effective program creation and implementation. The study addresses the complexities of curriculum development, the importance of comprehensive communication, the role of faculty mentorship, and the significance of fostering a sense of community in online education. Drawing on the experiences of program developers, faculty members, and students, this research sheds light on strategies for aligning course content with program goals, embracing imperfection in program design, and cultivating a vibrant online learning community. Additionally, the study presents ideas for future research in the domain of online education, encouraging further exploration in areas such as long-term program impact, faculty development, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and the integration of emerging technologies. Ultimately, this case study offers a roadmap for institutions aiming to create successful and impactful online PhD programs, while also inspiring a broader dialogue on the evolution and enhancement of online education in a rapidly changing educational landscape.



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