

Reflection helps students understand the value of their learning experience. Reflection can be an individual activity, for example through journals, one-on-one discussions, and papers and it also can be socially-mediated, where students reflect together in social spaces either face-to-face or in online learning environments. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the value of reflection and the literature that supports it and share how socially-mediated reflection was designed and assessed in a Web-enhanced experiential learning course on water and sustainability. First, a review of the literature related to instructional design and learning theories that support reflection, reflection as a metacognitive activity, and models to guide reflective practice is presented. Second, the context of the course is described. Third, a description of the students’ reflection assignment and how it was implemented and assessed is provided. Readers should gain an understanding of the research that supports this practice, identify practical tips for embedding socially-mediated reflection in their own virtual learning spaces, and define opportunities for future research.



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