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James Doan Image Gallery
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The George Inn, Southwark
The God Horus watches over child Ramses
The Governor Montemhet. Lower epoch. Cairo Museum
The great gold buckle
The Guillemets (?)
The Hall, Osterley Park House, 1/9/85
The Harlot's Progress
The Harlot's Progress
The Harlot's Progress
The Harlot's Progress
The Harlot's Progress
The Harlot's Progress
The head of a Babylonian diety, Marduk, represented as an imaginary beast, half lion, half horse. Louvre, Paris
The Kitchen-Maid
The Library, Osterley Park House, 1/9/85
The Libyan Sybil
The Master of Suriguerola. Façade from St. Eugenia. Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
The opening words of St. John's Gospel
The opening words of St. Mark 's Gospel
The opening words of St. Matthew's Gospel
The Palace of Phaistos at Phaistos. Crete
The Prophet Daniel
The Prophet Ezechiel
The Prophet Jeremy
The Prophet Zacharie
The Rake's Progress
The Rake's Progress
The Rake's Progress
The Rake's Progress
The Rake's Progress
The Rake's Progress
The Rake's Progress
The Rake's Progress
The Roman Baths, Bath, detail of mosaic from Roman villa
The Roman Baths, Bath Roman Tombstone
The Roman Baths, bath, The Goddess Luna, the Luna Pediment
The sacrifice of Noah
The sacrifice of Noah
The Sambles, York, 1974
The Seine + her tributaries (Raoul Larche, 1910). Mirror of marble water, orig. intended for Cour Napoléon of Louvre
The seperation of waters
The seperation of waters
The Sibyl of Cumae
The Sireuil Venus. Museum of St Germain-en-Laye
The Sleeping Congregation, 1736, 'Price One Shilling'
The Sphinx of Gizeh. Old empire. Gizeh
The Spinx at Memphis. New empire. Memphis
The state bed, Osterley Park House, 1/9/85
The Temple of Athena, Paestum, the so-called Temple of Ceres, c. 530- CE
The Theater at Knossos. Crete
The throne in the Summer Palace
The Travess and Kevin in the dining room
The Trundholm Sun-Chariot. National Museum, Copenhagen
The universal flood
The vault-1st part
The Yellow Christ', Church of Sr. Tremalo, Port-Aven
Thistle Brooch, National Museum of Ireland
Thomas Hickey (1741-1824) "An Actor between the muses of comedy and tragedy" (Nat'l gal. Dublin)
Three Graces, Pompeii (2nd style)
Three-handled ase, middle Bronze Age, Janvilis (Brittany)
Throwing clay pots
Throwing pot
Tiara from Poiana-Coţofeneşti, Romania-- 4th c BCE, gold
Tigh Moling, St. Mullin's
Tindari. Greek theater
Tindari. Monumental propylaeum in the agora
Tintagel Castle, legend. Birthplace-King Arthur
Tintagel Castle, looking to the sea
Tintoretto, depiction of Christ (1594), San Griorgio Maggiri, Venice
Tirenin being led in "The Bacche"
Titan, Venus of Urbino, Uthizi Gallery, Florance
Titian, Asscenption of the Virgin in Sta. Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
Titian, Virgin of the Pesaco family, Santa Maria Gloriosa, Venice, 1526
Tiziano. Battesimo di Cesú. Roma, Museo Capitolino
Tiziano. Cardinale Alessandro Farnese. Napoli, Museo di Capodimonte
Tiziano. Carlo V. Napoli, Museo di Capodimonte
Tiziano. Cristo flagellato all Colona. Roma, Galleria Borghese
Tiziano. Flora. Firenze, Galleria Uffizi
Tiziano. La Fede. Venezia, Palazzo Ducale
Tiziano. La Maddelena. Firenze, Galleria Palatina
Tiziano. La Maddelena. Napoli, Museo di Capodimonte
Tiziano. La Madonna dei Frarri. Vaticano, Pinacoteca
Tiziano. La Principessa di Urbino. Firenze, Galleria Palatina
Tiziano. Lavinia Vecellio. Napoli, Museo di Capodimonte
Tiziano. L'Uomo dagli occhi grigi. Firenze, Galleria Palatina
Tiziano. Paolo III Farnese. Napoli, Museo di Capodimonte
Tiziano. Pier Luigi Farnese. Napoli Museo di Capodimonte
Tiziano. Presentazione di Maria al Temio. Venezia, Galleria Accademia
Tiziano. Ritratto di donna detta 'La Bella'. Firenze, Galleria Palatina
Tiziano. Ritratto di Giulio II. Firenze, Galleria Palatina
Tiziano. San Cristoforo. Venezia, Palazzo Ducale
Tiziano. S Domenico. Roma, Galleria Borghese
Tiziano. S Giovanni Battista. Venezia, Galleria Accademia
Tiziano. Venere con Bambio. Firenze, Galleria Uffizi
Toddeo Goddi, Cruxifiction, church of Santa Croce, Florence, early 14th cent. (1332-38)
Toddeo Goddi, Resurection, church of Santa Croce, Florence, early 14th cent. (1332-38)
Toddeo Goddi Road to Calvary (early 14th cent.), church of Santa Croce, Florence (1332-38)
Tomás, Anders, Judith, + Jacob
Tomás + friends in Waterloo House
Tomás in back of house
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