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James Doan Image Gallery
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Sheela-na-gig from Ballylarkin, Co. Kilkenny
Sheela-na-gig from Ballyportry Castle, Co. Clare
Sheela-na-gig from Burgesbeg, Co. Tipperary
Sheela-na-gig from Clonmel, Co. Tipperary
Sheela-na-gig from Lavey, Co. Caren
Sheela-na-gig from Lavey, Co. Caren
Sheela-na-gig from Nem Birr, Co. Offaly
Sheela-na-gig from Newton Tower, Co. Tipperary
Sheela-na-gig from Seir Kieren Co. Offaly
Sheela-na-gig from Sword's alefe (?), Co. Dublin
Sheela-na-gig from Sword's alefe (?), Co. Dublin
Shield base from Herpály, Hungary- Sarmatian decoration, Persian shape--used for ceremonial purposes
Shield plaque (silver), ca 350-300 BCE, Thracian Treasures, plate 8
Shops + apartment bldg. in Jardins District (Rua Batataer + Rua Capitão Pinto Feueira)
Shrine Called Domnach Airgid, 7th and 14th Cent. A.D.
Shrine called Soiscéal Molaise, 11th Cent. A.D.
Shrine of St. Lachtin's Arm, National Museum of Ireland
Shrine of Stowe Missal, 11th Cent. A.D.
Siberian plaques, from From the Land of the Scythians, plate 21
Side aisle, Sens Cath.
Silver alters in Duomo, Pistoia, (depicts St. James)
Silver-crated tore from (?)
Silver gilt bottle (Persia, Sassanian, end of 7th cent. CE)
Silver lyre from Ur
Silver plaque (4th c. BCE), Thracian Treasures, plate 8
Silver pumphos from Douvale, Thracian Treasures plate 2
Silver spout or Lenial in the shape of a Gaul, (Armenian, 1st c. CE)
Simmonscourt Castle -- entry of gates (Dublin)
Sir Johm Soane House, Breakfast room
Sir John Donne, St. Paul's
Sir John Soane House, dining room
Sir John Soane House, drawing room
Sir John Soane House, drawing room
Sir John Soane House, library
Sir John Soane House, Library
Sir John Soane House, Lincoln's Inn Fields, ext.
Sir John Soane House, the Dome
Sir Martin Ancher Shee "Thomas Moore, celebrated Irish Poet"
Sir Peter Lely (1618-80), 'The Concert', (Lely + his family), late 1640s, oil canvas, (Lee Banquet 1947), Countauld trust
Site of Bardic school, Finnyvera
Skelling Michael (detail), West Coast of Ireland
Skelling Michael, from Merle Sevey, "The Celtics", p. 630
Skelling Michael, West Coast of Ireland
Slide #4
Snake Goddess. Statuette. Archaeological Museum, Candia
Snettisham torc
Snettisham torc
So-called Tomb of Theron, Agrigento.
Sodoma. La Deposizione. Pisa, Cathedral
Softstone head from Mšecké-Źehrovice in Bohemia- found near cult site- torc a symbol of divinity, middle-late Tène period
Sopron-Várhely, Hungary, incised pot- late 7th cent. BCE
Sound + light show, Yves Nicolazic, etc.
South bank, 1/6/85
South of France, 1974
South porch, Dol-portal with statues of saints
South transept, Landevennec
Southwark Fair 1733, published in 1735 with A Rake's Progress
Spinario, (?) work of 1st cent. BCE
Srirangam temple, near Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu
Stadhuis, Grote markt, Antwerp
Stag. Rock painting. Lascaux Caves, Dordogne
Stained glass window, Sens-life of Thomas Bechet
Stained glass window, Sens-the good sumaritan
Stained glass window, Sens-the prodigal son
Stained-glass windows, Le Folgoit
Sta. Marie in Trosteuere (?)
Sta. Martin della Salute
Standard, Central Aratolia (ca. 2300-2200 BCE)
Standing stones - Newgrange
Standing woman, 2nd cent., Sabine, wifei of Halmin, ca. CE 136
St. Andrew's church, + gate, Lienz, 7/9
Staple Island
Staple Island
Staple Island
Staple Island
Staple Island
Statue in front of Mus. of Modern Art of the City of Paris
Statue in memorial/a war dead (based on dying gaul) 7/14
Statue of Abe Lincoln + Guildhall, Westminster, 1/6/85
Statue of Achillies and Chiron, Acad. of ptg. 7/7
Statue of Augustus + Rathaus, Augsburg 7/16
Statue of Bartalomeo Calleoni in front of Church of Sts. John and Paul, Venice, 1488
Statue of boar, Gallo-Roman
Statue of Boudicea, 1/6/85
Statue of 'Budda Yakush' or "Yakushi Nyorai' of the Heian period
Statue of Epone in old city gate, Brezenz, Austria, 7/14
Statue of 'Fudo Myoo' (Acalantha), of the Heian period
Statue of Gattamelata (calico cat), Donotello, 1445-50, George Piazza del Sato, Padova
Statue of Hays de Montlnt.(?) Minnessger(?) 7/14
Statue of Henry Gratton in front of Bank of Ireland
Statue of Heracles (copy of orig.) in reem. Roman temple, Canfradunuon (Kempten)
Statue of Hercules and Ansaeus (B. Ammasrati), Florence, Castelvecchio
Statue of José Bonaifacio d'Andrade Silva, Ponea de Patriarch
Statue of Mercury-Esuo, (6' tall), Gallo-Roman
Statue of Mercury & Venus, Gallo-Roman
Statue of Mycerinus + Khamerernebty Ivth dyn. 2599-2571 BCE, Giza
Statue of Mycerinus + Khamerernebty Ivth dyn. 2599-2571 BCE, Giza
Statue of Napoleon at Malmaison
Statue of Neptune, Piazza di Nettuno, Bologna
Statue of Queen Victoria, 1/5/85
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