"Time, Altruism, and Hope: Factors that Increase the Consistency of Pro" by Lauren Christina Alexander

Theses and Dissertations

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Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PhD)


Center for Psychological Studies

First Advisor

Alexandru Cru

Second Advisor

Barry Nierenberg

Third Advisor

Craig Marker


Psychology, Environmental Studies, Altruism, Hope, Pro-environmental Behaviors, Time


A variety of factors have been shown to be associated with environmental attitudes but few studies demonstrate a link between these factors and pro-environmental behaviors. This study examined how a future temporal perspective, environmental altruism, and hope are related to (1) engaging in pro-environmental behaviors and (2) length of time engaging in pro-environmental behaviors. Participants completed the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999), a measure of pro-environmental behaviors based on altruistic reasoning, the Trait Hope Scale (Snyder et al., 1991), and a self-report measure which requested that participants estimate how long they have engaged in pro-environmental behaviors. Statistical analyses supported the relationship between altruism and pro-environmental behaviors, however, the role of hope and a future orientation were not supported as potential motivators associated with engaging in pro-environmental behaviors. Altruism continues to be associated with engaging in pro-environmental behaviors, however, it is still unclear what moderates this relationship. Moreover, this research highlights the likelihood that engaging in pro-environmental behaviors is influenced by a complex web of motivating factors.

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