Theses and Dissertations
This is a select list of works produced by the students of the Center for Psychological Studies (CPS) at Nova Southeastern University
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Dissertation: COVID-19: Social Support Among the Bereaved, Fernande Nanda Mamane
Dissertation: Adaptive Functioning and Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptom Severity in Childhood: Parent Perception vs Clinician Rating, Corin Lillian Osborn
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Dissertation: An Examination of the Relationship between Validity and Memory Measures in Retired NFL Players, Huda Abu-Suwa
Dissertation: Trends and Outcomes of a School-Based Campaign to Reduce Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption Among Racially and Ethnically Diverse Students in Middle School, Roya Amirniroumand
Dissertation: Long-Term Stability of Baseline Impact Scores in High School Football Players across Age Groups, Christopher Thomas Burley
Dissertation: A Comparison of Teleneuropsychological and Traditional Neuropsychological Battery Factor Structures, Alison Datoc
Dissertation: Child Abuse Allegations in High Conflict Divorce, Clara Ko
Dissertation: Understanding Language Use Patterns of People with Chronic Pain: A Novel Assessment Approach, Jodie Maccarrone
Dissertation: Help-Seeking Attitudes among Clinicians in Training: The Influence of Psychological Defensiveness, Alexander Daniel Palmer
Dissertation: The Assessment of Burnout and Resilience in Firefighters, Bailee Schuhmann
Dissertation: The Impact of Insight, Psychological Functioning, and Treatment Resistance on Completion of Diversion Programs, Seniz L. Warner
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Dissertation: Relationship of Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Self-Perception of Consent to Current Functioning, Nathan R. Daly
Dissertation: Resting-State Cerebral Perfusion Patterns: An Exploratory Factor Analysis of Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography Clinical Data, Scott Harcourt
Dissertation: Intimate Partner Violence Survivors: The Relationship between Risk Factors and Symptom Severity, Danielle Horrigan Millen
Dissertation: Assessment of Psychological Functioning in Retired Firefighters, Jordana Simone Pepper
Dissertation: A Comparison of Clinic-Based and Telehealth Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, Abigail Peskin
Dissertation: Judicial Decision Making and the Duty To Warn: An Empirical Study of Case Law, Casey Dunn Ravitz
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Dissertation: Head-Impact-Related Outcomes by Position in Retired NFL Football Players, Maria Cecilia Boix Braga
Dissertation: A Novel Cognitive Stress Test for the Detection of Early Alzheimer’s Disease in African Americans, Kimberly Capp
Dissertation: Cognitive Performance In A Retired NFL Population: Does Position Played And Racial Identity Impact Cognition?, Kimberly Chantelle Diah
Dissertation: Psychometric Analyses of a Comprehensive Neuropsychological Battery for Retired NFL Players, Kimberly Ethridge Fitzgibbon
Dissertation: Understanding the Distinctive Presentations of Therapist Countertransference with Cluster B Personality Disorders, Sara Ashley Florence
Dissertation: Toward A Biopsychosocial Model of Obesiy: Can Psychological Well-Being Be the Bridge to Integration?, Alexia Holovatyk
Dissertation: PTSD and Immunological Correlations Of Attention and Working Memory in Gulf War Illness, Mary Jeffrey
Dissertation: Integrating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Processes with Information-Processing Theory in Anxious Early Adolescents, Gilly Kahn
Dissertation: The Effects of Sleep Restriction on Biological, Psychological, and Neurocognitive Measures of Health, Margaret S. Lorenzetti
Dissertation: Psychometric Evaluation of the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory in an Ethnically Diverse Sample, Elizabeth Machado
Dissertation: Exploration of the Wechsler Memory Scale Fourth Edition (WMS-IV) Designs Content and Spatial Memory Scales, Maya Pinjala
Dissertation: Breaking Away: The Role of Homeostatic Drive in Perpetuating Depression, Jonathan Tory Toole
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Dissertation: An Analysis and Comparison of WMS-III and WMS-IV Verbal Paired Associates: Practical Implications for Neuropsychologists, Anthony Paul Andrews
Dissertation: Changes in Self-Concept and Substance-Related Cognitions During Short-Term Residential Substance Use Treatment, Olivia Grace Larson
Dissertation: Examining Effects of Parental Sexual Abuse on Female Juvenile Delinquency Using a Social Developmental Perspective, Michelle Nagle
Dissertation: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Attachment, and PTSD Symptoms Among Male Offenders in Court-Ordered Diversion, Michael A. Quinones
Dissertation: Demographic, Legal, and Clinical Predictors of Long-Term Trial Competency Restoration, Jonathan F. Shook
Dissertation: Meta-Analysis of Behavior Problems in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children, Marta Maria Tobenas
Dissertation: Family Environment and Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease: Patterns of Health Care Utilization and Academic Achievement, Joanna Tsikis
Dissertation: Examining Mother and Father (Dis)agreement of Youth Mental Health Among Ethnically Diverse Families, Areti Vassilopoulos
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Dissertation: The Relationship Between Adolescent Suicidality and Engagement in Risky Behaviors, Elissa Rebecca Golden
Dissertation: Assessing Instructed Feigner's Response to the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale, Stephen Scott Grabner
Dissertation: Alcohol Misuse Among Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom Military Healthcare Professionals, Brian Letourneau
Dissertation: An Examination of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Older Adults, Morgan Levy
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Exploring the ‘Little Engine’ Effect: The Role of Self-Efficacy in Approaching Contamination, Lori Francesca Merling
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Dissertation: The Influence of Trauma, Locus of Control, And Health-Related Quality Of Life on a Child’s Self-Worth, Anita Alexander
Dissertation: Predicting Cardiovascular Fitness in Ethnic Minority Youth: A Comparison of Demographic, Body Composition, and Physical Activity Variables, Steven Arcidiacono
Dissertation: PTSD Subtypes, Depressive Presentation, Dissociation, and Cognitive Appraisals and Their Impact on Cardiovascular Reactivity Responses to Stress, Dyona Augustin
Dissertation: "Youn Ede Lòt”: Help-Seeking Among Haitians, Josie A. Augustin
Dissertation: The Relationship Between Ideology and Disgust Sensitivity, Shaina C. Fieldstone
Dissertation: Effect of Negotiator Active Listening Skills on Crisis (Hostage) Negotiations, Karen Guszkowski
Dissertation: The Assessment of Burnout and Resilience in Correctional Officers, Vera A. Klinoff
Dissertation: Moral Reasoning and Moral Emotions Linking Hoarding and Scrupulosity, Keith Lit
Dissertation: Exploring mediators and moderators in the relationship of acculturative stress and internalizing symptoms in Hispanic youth, Victoria A. Schlaudt
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Dissertation: Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Nova Multilingual Neuropsychological Battery (NMNB), Annelly Bure-Reyes
Dissertation: Child Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence, and Resiliency in Incarcerated Women: Attachment as a PTSD Moderator, Cassandra Groth
Dissertation: Toward a Model of 12-Step Engagement: Predicting Recovery Involvement in Narcotics Anonymous, Hillary L. Howrey
Dissertation: Memory Performance in Children with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Neocortical vs. Dual Pathologies, Brandon M. Korman
Dissertation: Impact of Parental Interference on Children in High Conflict Divorce, Kelly D. Painter
Dissertation: Neurocognitive Implications of Sport-Related Concussion in High School Athletes Over-Time, Evan Lee Smith
Dissertation: The Impact of Drop-in Centers on the Long Term Mentally Ill, Marissa Snell
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Dissertation: Clergy Sexual Abuse, Robert P. Allred
Dissertation: Factor Structure of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms among Torture Survivors, Ginger V. Armas
Dissertation: Examing Positive Psychological Constructs in the Context of 12-Step Recovery, Danielle Bietra
Dissertation: The Effects of Ongoing Assessment During a Psychoeducational Evaluation, Joseph Elliot
Dissertation: Applying Attachment Theory and the Wounded Healer Hypothesis to Clinical Psychology and Mental Health Counseling Graduate Students, Alison Levine
Dissertation: Cardiovascular Reactivity in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression, Lydia R. Malcolm
Dissertation: Mindfulness In Parenting Questionnaire (MIPQ): Development and validation of a measure of mindful parenting, Stacey McCaffrey
Dissertation: Effects of Foster Care Placements on the Mental Health of Abused Children in Florida, Sarah M. Nelson
Dissertation: Factors Predicting Return to Play in Sports-Related Concussion: An Empirical Evaluation, Douglas R. Polster
Dissertation: Exploring the Item Difficulty and Other Psychometric Properties of the Core Perceptual, Verbal, and Working Memory Subtests of the WAIS-IV Using Item Response Theory, Sara Ann Schleicher-Dilks
Dissertation: Age Related Decline in Memory: Examining the Mediation Effect of Processing, Executive Functioning and Intelligence in Normal Adults, Jada J. Stewart
Dissertation: Exploration of the Wechsler Memory Scale Fourth Edition and Measures of Executive Function Combined Components Model, Isaac Tourgeman
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Dissertation: Attachment Style and Psychological Sense of Community in the Context of 12-Step Recovery, Amy Elizabeth Ellis
Dissertation: Predictors of Post Foster Care Functioning: Assessing Emotional Intelligence in Foster Alumni, Nicole Englebert
Dissertation: Assessing Clinical Competency: The Simulated Patient Assessment and Research Collaboration, Jessica Ketterer
Dissertation: Do Parent and Teacher Ratings of Behavior Measure What They Are Intended to Measure?, Phillip Martin
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Ethnic Minority Endorsement of Rape Myths, Bianca Oney
Dissertation: The Effects of Mental Illness on Trust Between Military Veterans, Kristina Marie Reihl
Dissertation: The Neuropsychological Application of the WAIS-IV over the WAIS-III, Jessica Robbins
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Time, Altruism, and Hope: Factors that Increase the Consistency of Pro-environmental Behaviors, Lauren Christina Alexander
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder (ASAD): Developmental Implications and Clinical Correlates, Christopher Ryan Boddy
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Beyond PTSD: Predictors of Psychological Comorbidities in Sexually Abused Children, Micah S. Brosbe
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Risk and Resilience in Law Enforcement Stress: Contributions of the Law Enforcement Officer Stress Survey (LEOSS), Samuel Lee Browning
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Relationship Among Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Subtypes, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and Parenting Stress, Megan Cannon
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Alexithymia and PTSD Symptoms in Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse: The Mediating Effects of Attachment and Depression, Yenys Castillo
Dissertation: Physiological And Psychological Responses To 911 Emergency Tapes, Jackie Hammelman
Dissertation: An Examination of Disgust, its Measures, and Gender Differences in the Experience of Disgust Sensitivity, Diane M. Kedzierski
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Rates of Apparently Abnormal MMPI-2 Profiles in the Normal Population, Anthony Paul Odland
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Gay Identity Development and Well-Being in Same Sex Attracted Older Adults, Maya Pignatore
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Client Engagement in Treatment: The Role of Stress and Social Support, Sasha Naomi Stok
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Factors That Predict Preoperative Psychological Evaluation Recommendations for Bariatric Surgery Candidates, Kimberly Wisotzke
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: 12-Step Recovery for Substance Use Disorders: E-training for Future Clinicians, Brandon G. Bergman
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Teachers' Judgments of Emergent Literacy Skills among Preschoolers, Jill Driest
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Drug Attitude and Time to Relapse Following Discharge from Residential Treatment, Lyndsay Madalena Henry
Dissertation: Latino Parental Acceptability towards the Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine, Linda M. Kondilis
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Understanding Obesity, Related Health Risks and Barriers to Weight Management in Women Veterans, Laura Kupperman
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Resiliency and Domestic Violence: Social Support as a Moderator of Posttraumatic Stress, Alison Mulcahy
Dissertation: How Successful is Homework Success for Children with ADHD?, Alexis Resnick
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Relationship between Subjective and Objective Measures of Attention in a Clinical Population of Children and Adolescents, Eric Edward Silk
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Relationships between Psychological Distress and Immune Function in Women with a History of Childhood Maltreatment, Mischa Tursich
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Effects of Depression and Anxiety in Children on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition, Laura Bruder Weinberg
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Relationship Between Cognitive Abilities and Functional Decline in Older Adults Diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, Sarah West