"School Crisis Ethical and Legal Issues" by Scott Poland

Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures

School Crisis Ethical and Legal Issues

Event Name/Location

South Carolina Association of School Psychologists 2018 Fall Conference

Event Location / Date(s)

Columbia, SC

Presentation Date


Document Type

Conference Presentation


The incidence of youth violence, suicide, bullying and traumatic events in general requires that schools have prevention programs and be prepared to respond to tragic events. The presenter has a wealth of practical experience in school crises and will help school psychologists and other school personnel enhance their ability to respond to critical incidents. The presenter has been an expert witness in more than a dozen cases where schools were sued after a crisis and will share the outcome of those cases and the lessons learned for prevention and intervention. Several of those cases questioned the competency of the suicide and violent assessments done by school personnel. Practical best practices interventions for school psychologists to avoid liability will be outlined.
