Shark Fisheries: Value and Management

Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. Coastal Zone Management

First Advisor

Richard E. Dodge


Sharks are considered one of the most successful groups of marine organisms. With about 350 species identified, sharks have adapted to survive in a variety of habitats. Their slow reproductive rate, late age of maturation, and the extensive commercial and recreational fishing of sharks in the past few decades, however, have reduced shark populations dramatically.

Sharks are an important resource for science and for the economy of many countries that depend on fisheries. Furthermore, the international trade of shark meat, fins, teeth/jaws, and skin have become a growing resource for many countries throughout the world.

Knowledge of the scientific and economic values of shark fisheries is important to obtain the public support necessary in the establishment and enforcement of an effective management plan to protect sharks. States of America Countries such as South Africa and the United have implemented plans to protect specific shark populations. Other countries such as Australia, Tasmania, and Great Britain are working to establish rules and regulations to protect overexploited shark populations along their coasts. Future management strategies for public education, the methods of tagging and releasing, and current utilization are presented here.

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