The Biolac (R) Aeration System - A Bioremedial Plan for Wastewater Technology

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M.S. Marine Biology

First Advisor



Wastewater engineering has been performed for thousands of years. Before Christ, Athenians in Greece irrigated with wastewater. In 1865, scientists in England experimented with sludge digestion. In 1889, filtration contact beds were tested in Massachusetts and in 1908 the first municipal trickling filter was installed in the United States (Chow, 1972).

The use of bioremediation, the addition of microorganisms to waste, in the wastewater field has a history that is over a century old (Skinner, 1990), beginning with English experiments in the 1860s (Chow, 1972). The study of biodegredation involves a mixture of several sciences: “microbiology, biochemistry, molecular ecology, physical chemistry, environmental science, chemical/environmental engineering, and analytical chemistry." (Sayler, 1990). Biodegredation is a process involving microorganisms rendering toxic and harmful substances into harmless and nontoxic ones. It utilizes technology that has been known for many years in such industries as the production of cheese, wine, yogurt, and beer. It is only in the last century, however, that this knowledge has been applied to the treatment of wastewater (Skinner, 1990). In wastewater, naturally occurring organisms like bacteria, fungi, and yeast use organic compounds to grow (EPA, 1991).

This paper will review the application of bioremediation and biodegredation to wastewater treatment and will highlight an aerated system: the Parkson Biolac Aeration System, manufactured by Parkson Corporation, Ft. Lauderdale.

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