NSU Halmos College of Arts and Sciences (HCAS) Alumni

NSU Major
BS Biology, DMD Dental Medicine
NSU Minor Degree
Chemistry and Spanish
NSU Undergraduate Date
NSU Graduate Degree Graduation Date
Highest Degree Completed
Current Employer
Dr. Manon Bourque Hutchison, D.D.S.
General Dentist
NSU Experience
My name is Emeline Calligaris, I was born in France, I am an NSU alumna and International Student. I moved to the States in August 2011 to pursue my dream career that is Dentistry. I completed my Bachelor's in Biology in 2015 and got my Doctorate in Dental Medicine in 2019, both at Nova Southeastern University. NSU has always been my home away from home and I am so grateful for all the opportunities and people I met during my journey. I love that the classes were very small and I got to know so many of my professors that became my mentors, colleagues and friends. I love the support system NSU brings and I would not have made it this far without all the incredible faculty who helped shape me. This has been a wonderful journey and I am grateful everyday that I get to practice what I love and have an amazing career ahead. If you ever need help in regards to Biology, Dentistry or event international student related issues, please feel free to reach out; if I can be of any help I will.