CNSO Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches, Lectures

CNSO Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches, Lectures



Submissions from 2016

Movement and Behavior of Swordfish Satellite-Tagged in the Cayman Islands, T. Moore and David Kerstetter

Synthesis and Characterization of a Bipyridine Bridged Trimetallic Ferrocene–Ruthenium-Ferrocene Photosensitizing Complex, Safiyah Muhammad and Dimitri Giarikos

Shoaling Reduces Metabolic Rate in a Gregarious Coral Reef Fish Species, Lauren E. Nadler, Shaun S. Killen, Eva C. McClure, Philip L. Munday, and Mark I. McCormick

Shoaling Reduces Metabolic Rate in a Gregarious Coral Reef Fish Species, Lauren E. Nadler, Shaun S. Killen, Eva C. McClure, Philip L. Munday, and Mark I. McCormick

Relationships of Endoparasite Diversity and Feeding Ecology in the Seabird Complex of South Florida, Michael Nakama, Christopher A. Blanar, Sean A. Locke, and David Kerstetter

Relationships of Endoparasite Diversity and Feeding Ecology in the Seabird Complex of South Florida, Michael Nakama, Christopher Blanar, Sean A. Locke, and David Kerstetter

Development of Larval Hookworms from Raccoon, Procyon lotor, as Experimental Models in Nematode-Based Laboratory Assays, H. Narlapati, R. St. Godard, Robert Smith, and Christopher A. Blanar

Assessment of Metal Contamination in Seabirds of South Florida, Caitlyn A. Nay, James Gelsleichter, Amy Hirons, Dimitri Giarikos, and David Kerstetter

Preliminary Assessment of Total Mercury in Tissues of Marine Associated Avifauna in the South Florida Region, Caitlyn A. Nay, Sarah Hill, James Gelsleichter, and David Kerstetter

Linking Autism and Epilepsy, Louis R. Nemzer

Synthesis, Structure, and Sensing Ability of a New Lanthanide Coordination Polymer Assembled from 2,2’-Bithiophene-5,5’-Dicarboxylate, Raul E. Ortega and Daniel T. de Lill


Ancient Dental Calculus as a Reservoir of Whole Human Mitogenomes, Andrew T. Ozga, Maria A. Nieves-Colon, Tanvi P. Honap, Krithivasan Sankaranarayanan, Courtney A. Hofman, George R. Milner, Cecil M. Lewis Jr., Anne C. Stone, and Christina G. Warinner


Generalized Matrix Functions and Geometric Measure of Entanglement, Vehbi Emrah Paksoy, Fuzhen Zhang, and Haixia Chang

Modeling and Simulation of Caenorhabditis elegans Chemotaxis in Response to a Dynamic Engineered Bacteria, Divya A. Pandya, Evan Haskell, Robert Smith, and Christopher A. Blanar

Quantitative Measurement of Learning and Memory in Caenorhabditis elegans in Response to an Engineered Nematicidal Bacterium, K. Patel, N. Neves, Evan Haskell, Christopher A. Blanar, and Robert Smith

Mobilizing College Students in Health Professional Studies to Provide Science Outreach Activities to the Community, Valentina Ramirez, Ahjay Bhatia, Suhani Patel, Michele Parsons, and Emily Schmitt Lavin

Coral Toxicity Study and TROPICS 32 Year Observations, Dorothy-Ellen A. Renegar


A Trophic Analysis of Deep-Pelagic Assemblages in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Travis Richards, Tracey Sutton, and David Wells

Biosorption of Metal Ions by Neochloris minuta and Neochloris alveolaris Alga Grown in Bristol and Nitrogen Depleted Media, Sara Rodriguez, Katrina Fins, and Dimitri Giarikos


A Time-Series Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Fish Communities Before and After the DWH Event, I. C. Romero, W. Patterson, Tracey Sutton, E. Quintana-Rizzo, S. Ross, A. Kane, S. Murawski, E. Goddard, Joseph J. Torres, and D. Hollander


The Utilization of Current Events to Pique Students' Interest in Research, Deanne Roopnarine and Michael Hellman


Physiology Understanding Week as a Tool for College Students to Recruit the Next Generation of Scientists, Deanne Roopnarine, Isabel Olivera, and Tamara Gali


Global-Scale Genetic Population Structure and Diversity in the Oceanic Whitetip Shark, Carcharhinus longimanus, Cassandra L. Ruck, Andrea M. Bernard, Fabio H.V. Hazin, Rima W. Jabado, and Mahmood S. Shivji

Doping Effects on the Luminescence of GWMOF-6, Kelly L. Rue and Daniel T. de Lill


Using Fusion of Response Metrics and Monte Carlo Simulation to Determine Immune Response in Cancer Immunotherapy Patients, Radleigh Santos, Alcinette Bunying, Nazila Sabri, John Yu, Steve J. Swanson, Valeria A. Judkowski, Pedro Romero, Sylvia Janetzki, and Clemencia Pinilla

Categorizing immune responders with fusion metrics and simulation for association to survival & progression free survival with immune response in HLA-A2+ patients with GBM from a phase 2 trial of dendritic cell (DC) immunotherapy (ICT-107)., Radleigh Santos, Clemencia Pinilla, Steve J. Swanson, Anthony Gringeri, and John Yu

Cellular Life After Death: Stories of Cells Used in Research, Emily Schmitt Lavin

Acropora palmata's Last Stand in the Florida Keys?, K. Semon-Lunz, K. Wirt, Karen L. Neely, D. Williams, and A. Whittle

TonB Binding Produces Allosteric Changes in the Outer Loops and Substrate Binding Site of the TBDT BtuB, Arthur Sikora and David Cafiso


Interview with Robert Smith, Robert P. Smith

Temporal Variations in Calcium Carbonate Dissolution Rates Under Ambient and Elevated pCO2 in a Shallow Coral Reef Lagoon, Laura Stoltenberg, Tyler Cyronak, Kai G. Schulz, and Bradley D. Eyre

Variation In Deer Mouse Hemoglobins Reveals The Molecular Basis Of High- Altitude Adaptation, Jay F. Storz, Stephen J. Sabatino, Eben Gering, Hideaki Moriyama, and Michael W. Nachman


The Dynamics of Vertical Movement in the Oceanic Gulf of Mexico after Deepwater Horizon: Active Linkage of Large Vertebrates and Deep-Pelagic Nekton, Tracey Sutton


The Dynamics of Vertical Migration in the Oceanic Gulf of Mexico after Deepwater Horizon: Active Linkage of Large Vertebrates and Deep-Pelagic Nekton, Tracey Sutton, April B. Cook, Tamara M. Frank, Kevin M. Boswell, Michael Vecchione, Heather Judkins, and Isabel C. Romero


Active Linkage of Large Vertebrates and the Deep-Pelagic Fauna of the Oceanic Gulf of Mexico after Deepwater Horizon: Vertical Dynamics of the Epipelagic, Mesopelagic and Bathypelagic Ichthyofauna, Tracey Sutton, April Cook, and Jon Moore

Symbiodinium Thermotolerance and Coral Susceptibility to Bleaching, Timothy D. Swain, Vadim Backman, and Luisa A. Marcelino

Drives for Benthic Metabolism and its Feedback to Carbonate Chemistry on a Coral Reef in Bermuda, Yuichiro Takeshita, Andreas J. Andersson, Tyler Cyronak, Theodor Kindeberg, Todd R. Martz, Wade R. McGillis, Nichole Price, and J. Smith

Efficacy of Nematicidal Engineered Bacteria Against Diverse Nematode Species, Chelsea A. Thachettu, Evan Haskell, Christopher Blanar, and Robert Smith

Understanding Proton Transfer In and the Vibrational Spectra of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems, Brian L. Van Hoozen Jr. and Poul B. Petersen

Linking Protein Structure and Function to Medical Applications Through 3-D Molecular Modeling, Riti Vohra, Valentina Ramirez, Guy Merus, and Emily Schmitt Lavin

Assessment of Trophic Positions for the Seabirds of South Florida using 13C and 15N Stable Iotopes, Michael Young, Amy Hirons, Zara Martinez, and David Kerstetter

Submissions from 2015


Reproductive Parameters of Two Coastal Pelagic Fishes off Southeast Florida: Blackfin Tuna, Thunnus atlanticus, and Little Tunny, Euthynnus alletteratus, Sonia Ahrabi-Nejad, David Kerstetter, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, Patricia Blackwelder, and Dorothy-Ellen A. Renegar


Modeling of Humoral Immune Response to Repeated Influenza A Virus Infections, Abbiana Arenas, Safiyah Muhammad, Ly Nguyen, Samita Andreansky, and Evan Haskell

Development of Chelating Polymers for Treatment of Osteosarcoma, Patricia R. Bachler, Brent S. Sumerlin, and Kenneth B. Wagener

Hyperbranched Chelating Polymers via Raft and a Multicomponent Kabachnik-Fields Reaction, Patricia R. Bachler, Brent S. Sumerlin, and Kenneth B. Wagener


The Intended and Unintended Effects of Fishing on Deep Sea Fish, David M. Bailey and Rosanna Milligan

Experiments: The Iodine Clock Reaction, Dry Ice Crystal Ball Bbubble (Carbon Dioxide), Seven Layers (Density), Maria Ballester

Fingerprinting in Forensics, Maria Ballester

Nutrition and Chemistry, Maria Ballester

Thermal Preferences and Critical Temperatures of Invasive Lionfish Complex (Pterois volitans/P. miles), B. D. Barker, Andrij Horodysky, and David Kerstetter


The Genetic Connectivity of a Euryhaline Elasmobranch, the Atlantic Stingray (Dasyatis sabina), Andrea M. Bernard, Cassandra L. Ruck, Vincent Richards, James Gelsleichter, Kevin A. Feldheim, and Mahmood S. Shivji

Parasites in Coastal Habitats: Puppet Masters and Ecosystem Engineers, Christopher A. Blanar

Numerical Solution of Underdetermined Systems from Partial Linear Circulant Measurements, Jean-Luc Bouchot and Lei Cao


Pelagic Habitat Use by Juvenile Reef Fishes in the Gulf of Mexico, Katie Bowen and Tracey Sutton


Pelagic Habitat Use by Juvenile Reef Fishes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Katie Bowen and Tracey Sutton

Dynamic Regulation of Toxic Synthetic Bacteria Prevents Learning in the Model Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, Olena Bracho, C. Manchery, Evan Haskell, Christopher A. Blanar, and Robert Smith

Dynamic Regulation of Toxic Synthetic Bacteria Prevents Learning in the Model Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, Olena Bracho, C. Manchery, Evan Haskell, Christopher A. Blanar, and Robert Smith


A Search for Signatures of Superconductivity: Study of Rare Earth Oxides, Jacilynn Brant, Jack Burke, C. Ebbing, D. C. Vier, T. Bullard, and T. J. Haugan

Studying Magnetic Exchange Limits in Core@Shell Nanoparticles, David J. Carnevale

Controlling Hard/Soft Magnetic Exchange in Core/Shell Nanoparticles, David J. Carnevale, Michael Shatruk, and Geoffrey F. Strouse

Plotting the Limits of Core/Shell Magnetic Exchange, David J. Carnevale, Michael Shatruk, and Geoffrey F. Strouse


Colorblind Colorful Animals: Spectral Sensitivity, Temporal Resolution, and Spatial Resolution in Three Species of Cleaner Shrimp, Eleanor M. Caves, Tamara M. Frank, and Sönke Johnsen

A Multi- Patch Rabies Model in China, Jing Chen


The C-REX sounding rocket mission, Mark Conde, Miguel Larsen, Donald Hampton, Manbharat Dhadly, Jason Ahrns, Anasuya Aruliah, Yoshihiro Kakinami, Barrett Barker, Andrew Kiene, Fred Sigernes, and Dag Lorentzen


Winds and ion drifts measured in the thermospheric footprint of Earth’s northern magnetic cusp during the C-REX sounding rocket mission, Mark Conde, Miguel Larsen, Donald Hampton, Manbharat Dhadly, Michael Ahrns, Anasuya Aruliah, Yoshihiro Kakinami, Barrett Barker, Andrew Kiene, Fred Sigernes, and Dag Lorentzen


The C-REX sounding rocket mission, M G. Conde, M F. Larsen, D L. Hampton, Manbharat Dhadly, Michael Ahrns, Anasuya Aruliah, Yoshihiro Kakinami, Barret Barker, Andrew Kiene, Fred Sigernes, and Dag Lorentzen


Dissipation Rate of Turbulent Kinetic Energy in Diel Vertical Migrations: Comparison of ANSYS Fluent Model to Measurements, Cayla Whitney Dean, Alexander Soloviev, Amy Hirons, Tamara M. Frank, and J. D. Wood

Investigating Sensitized Luminescence in Lanthanide Coordination Polymers, Daniel T. de Lill

Lanthanide-Based Nano-MOFs as Multimodal Bioimaging Agents, Daniel T. de Lill

Lanthanide-Organic Frameworks as Asymmetric Heterogeneous Catalysts, Daniel T. de Lill

Photophysical Studies of Lanthanide-Organic Hybrid Materials, Daniel T. de Lill

Spectator Ion-Directed Synthesis of Lanthanide-Organic Frameworks, Daniel T. de Lill

Incorporation of Polymer Chemistry Topics in Inorganic and Materials Chemistry Courses at Florida Atlantic University, Daniel T. de Lill and Charles E. Carraher Jr.

Metal Cation Detection Using a Novel Small Molecule Chemosensor, Daniel T. de Lill, A. M. Gagnon, M. Brown, K. Shelley, and M. DeLuca

Interactions of YWHA (14-3-3) protein isoforms with CDC25B phosphatase in regulating mouse oocyte maturation, Ariana C. Detwiler, Santanu De, and Douglas Kline

Secondary Building Unit Formation in the Hydrothermal Synthesis of Lanthanide Coordination Polymers, Jeffrey D. Einkauf, Ryan Crichton, and Daniel T. de Lill

Understanding the Antenna Effect Within Lanthanide Coordination Polymers, Jeffrey D. Einkauf and Daniel T. de Lill

Limiting Short-Lived Climate Pollutants in Curbing Climate Change: An Atmospheric Chemistry Synopsis, Song Gao

Long-Range Transport and in-situ Transformation of Atmospheric Aerosols: Tales from African Dust and Shanghai Smog, Song Gao

A Novel Assay to Screen Drugs That Target Bacterial Type III Secretion Systems, Julie Torruellas Garcia

Identification of Gut Microbes and Their Link to Autism, Julie Torruellas Garcia

Color Polymorphism in Damselflies and Chickens, Eben Gering

How the Chicken Crossed the Sea: Reverse Domestication of Kauai's Feral Chickens, Eben Gering

Poultry in Paradise: Evolutionary Insights from Hawaii's Feral Chickens, Eben Gering

The Derivative of a Solution to a Second Order Parameter Dependent Boundary Value Problem with a Nonlocal Integral Boundary Condition, Jason Gershman and Jeffrey W. Lyons

GCMS Identification and Quantification of the Lipids Produced Via Esterification to FAMEs in Neochloris minuta (UTEX 776) Algae Induced by Nitrogen Deprivation, Dimitri Giarikos, Reza Razeghifard, Mega Margupuram, and Catherine Chiafair

Linking the Presence of Surfactant Associated Bacteria on the Sea Surface and in the Near Surface Layer of the Ocean to Satellite Imagery, Bryan Hamilton, Cayla Whitney Dean, Naoko Kurata, Alexander Soloviev, Aurelien Tartar, Mahmood S. Shivji, William Perrie, and Susanne Lehner

Habitat Utilization and Vertical Distribution of the Great Barracuda Sphyraena barracuda (Edwards 1771) in the Western North Atlantic Ocean, N. R. Hansen and David W. Kerstetter


Search for Superconductivity in Doped Carbon Allotropes, T. J. Haugan, Benjamin Pierce, T. Bullard, Jacilynn Brant, Jack Burke, C. Ebbing, and D. C. Vier

Paleoceanographic Productivity Reconstructions Using Marine Mammal Bone Collagen, Amy Hirons

Comparison of Food Webs Among Limestone Boulder Artificial Reefs, Natural Reefs and Soft Bottom, Amy Hirons, Joan Lorraine Guerra, Amber C. Metallo, Brenna K. Hays, Charles Messing, and Kenneth Banks

Novel molecular mechanism that involves cortisol synthesis, activation of β-catenin and c-myc via membrane-bound glucocorticoid receptor inhibits wound healing in patients with chronic wounds, Ivan Jozic, A. M. Rosa, Olivera Stojadinovic, Robert S. F. Kirsner, and Marjana Tomic-Canic

Selective targeting of membranous glucocorticoid receptor reveals a mechanism responsible for inhibition of epithelialization, Ivan Jozic, A. M. Rosa, Olivera Stojadinovic, Irena Pastar, and Marjana Tomic-Canic

Cortisol synthesis and activation of membrane bound glucocorticoid receptor inhibits wound healing in patients with venous leg ulcers, Ivan Jozic, Olivera Stojadinovic, Irena Pastar, A. Sawaya, and Marjana Tomic-Canic


An Energy-Dynamics-Preserving Discretization for the Poisson-Nernst-Planck Equations, Julienne Kabre

Status and Current Research Projects on the Invasive Lionfish Pterois Sp. in the Western Atlantic and Greater Caribbean (Plus Suggestions on Hook-And-Lining Them)., David Kerstetter

The Birds: What Every Fisherman Should Know About Bird Behavior, David Kerstetter


Equatorial F-region neutral winds and shears near sunset measured with chemical release techniques, Andrew Kiene, M F. Larsen, and E Kudeki


If You Build It, Will They Come? Exploring Enhancements to Artificial Structure for Use in Restoration and Mitigation Applications, Kirk Kilfoyle, T. Patrick Quinn, Alasdair J. Edwards, David S. Gilliam, Richard E. Dodge, and Richard E. Spieler

An Example of Microbiology Crowdfunding: The Skin Deep MIcrobiome Project, Jose V. Lopez, Renee Potens, Jorie L. Skutas, Nidhi Vijayan, and Kyle Roebuck