

Poetic prose, a creative qualitative technique, is used to present the findings (emerging themes) of in-depth, thematic interviews with 14 African American parents with deaf children. This is presented in a multi- vocal, interactive, and interwoven style. This style of interweaving voices of participants in a creative poetic prose is indicative of African American cultural and oral traditions. It also permits and deepens the reader’s ability to emotionally and spiritually connect with experiences and emotions of African American parents and their perceptions of an American deaf community. This research was conducted using a modified grounded theory approach where theory (grand narrative) and communal- personal-based narratives interact. Afrocentricsm offers a powerful conceptual frame for organizing these experiences of parents of deaf children within the deaf community and schools for deaf children.


Deaf Children, Deaf Schools, Deaf Community, African American Families, Racism, Afrocentricity, Poetic Prose, and Multi-Vocal Text

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.




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