NSU Quadrivium: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Scholarship | Vol 6 | Iss 1

Volume 6, Issue 1 (2014) Issue 6, Winter 2014

Message from the Dean

Thank you for your interest in Quadrivium, a publication that reflects the diversity of scholarship and creative talent among the faculty and graduate students at the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences.

Faculty members are generative in their scholarship, express themselves creatively, and engage in the analysis and critique of the works of others. These contributions to the larger community of knowledge are reflected in the college’s academic and cultural programming, course curricula, and classroom discussions. The cycle of exploration, analysis, inspiration, creation, and collaboration ensures that our students are exposed to innovative ideas within and beyond their fields of study.

Congratulations to all of the writers, scholars, and artists featured here.

I would also like to acknowledge Quadrivium editors Eric Mason and Claire Lutkewitte. Their efforts have solidified the journal’s standing within the college as a showcase for quality work from a variety of disciplines and genres.

I hope you enjoy every issue. Your feedback is welcome.

Don Rosenblum, Ph.D.
Dean, Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences



From the Editors
Eric Mason and Claire Lutkewitte


Photo Essays


Butterfly Biology
Joshua Feingold



Dreaming in Chiapas
Eileen Smith-Cavros

Issue 6 cover

Cover Image:

“Tricolored heron” by Paul Arena