Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Social Studies, Student Attitudes, Global Education, Migration, Elementary Social Studies, Cultural Awareness.


The author of this practicum developed and implemented a program to introduce global perspectives focusing on Haitian culture in a sixth grade class for learning disabled students. The program's aim was developed to get the students to develop an understanding of Haitian culture and a perspective of feeling and caring for others of a Haitian background. The program contained seven strategies: film watching, game playing, food sampling, class discussions, story reading, Gestalt strategies and societal media involvement. All strategies were fully implemented throughout the ten weeks. At the conclusion of the program, all of the students showed a significant gain in understanding Haitian culture and a sense of caring for students of a Haitian background. Pretesting, an attitudinal questionnaire, and a weekly questionnaire were used for the author's purpose of monitoring each student's progress. The author considered this practicum to be of value throughout the county because of its multi-cultural diversity.

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