Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Teacher Effectiveness, Teacher Motivation, Teacher Styles, Teacher Methods, Teacher Effectiveness, Instructional Improvement, Instructional Effectiveness, Instructional Development, Health Education, Elementary Education.


Comprehensive Health Education/Growing Healthy (GH) was not being taught for the required number of hours as was indicated in the pupil progression plan for this community. The objectives of the practicum were to increase the number of trained teachers by 60 percent; thereby increasing the instructional time GH was taught, and to place, and organize all commercial instructional-support materials within the elementary school. The author designed a six-week long training program, conducted an inventory of all GH materials, and color coded all commercial instructional-support materials by phase and grade level. The researcher received administrative support from the school's administration to provide the necessary training program designed to enhance teacher behavior and improve student achievement as indicated by the effective schools research. The results noted that instructional time increased due to the effectiveness of the training program and the success of the organization of the commercial instructional-support materials. The author will share with other elementary health educators the color-coded strategy designed and training opportunities for the Growing Healthy curriculum. Appendices include a teacher survey, the Growing Healthy training program for kindergarten through fifth grade, and sample check lists and results.

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