Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Education Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Kindergarten Development, Language Skills, Language Processing, Language Acquisition, Verbal Development, Vocabulary Development, Listening Skills.


This practicum addressed the need for methods to improve the receptive and expressive vocabularies of kindergarten children. The Peabody Vocabulary Test and the Expressive One Word Vocabulary Test were employed as screening devices to assess students. Language based activities, recordings, and musical activities were used to enhance development of language skills. Students were engaged in stimulating language activities over a period of ten weeks. Appropriate classroom experiences were provided to help instill positive self-concepts while stimulating vocabulary development. It was hoped that an increase in vocabulary would better prepare the students for success in first grade. The results showed the program was beneficial to the target group and that students showed a desire to learn. The Appendices include language activities, an evaluation checklist, and monitoring sheets.

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