Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Grade 3, Primary Education, Computer-Assisted Instruction, Computer-Managed Instruction, Spelling DE, Spelling Instruction, Vocabulary Development, Curriculum Development, Teaching Methods, Pretests, Posttests


A computer program was implemented by the writer as an aid to improve third graders’ spelling word mastery. The program's aims were to help medium-ability third graders improve spelling scores and proficiency. Following observation and weekly spelling test scores, three third grade teachers, which includes the writer, chose five medium-ability students from their rooms to be involved in the ten-week project. Evaluation of the project by the students' pre- and posttest results and the teacher post-survey concluded that the computer aided in the improvement of students' spelling scores and spelling proficiency. The computer program “Guess That Word” ( 1982) was recommended for use school wide. Appendices include: teacher pre-survey, parent questionnaire, administrative interview questionnaire, standardized test results, weekly spelling test words, teacher checklist on students’ test results, and teacher post-survey.

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