Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Middle School, Education, Multi-Cultural Learning Styles, Yaqui, Patterned Writing, Motivation in Writing, Visual Learning, Writing Activities for Reluctant Writers.


The intent of this practicum was to increase writing fluency and improve writing attitudes exhibited by a group of seventh grade students with Yaqui and Hispanic backgrounds. During a period of 16 weeks, a writing unit was implemented consisting of twenty structured activities to guide students in presenting their ideas and to increase their chances for success. As students' fluency increased, the patterns and models given became less structured so that students used more of their own ideas. Evaluation was conducted through the use of Quality Writing Guidelines as well as student and parent follow-up surveys. Results indicated increased levels of writing fluency, improved capitalization and punctuation, improved sentence structure, and a wider variety of vocabulary. The methodology was found to be extremely effective in improving writing skills of students having difficulty supplement to regular education language arts teachers.

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