Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Education Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Teacher Recruitment, Teacher Shortage, Teacher Selection, Teacher Supply and Demand, Affirmative Action, Minority Group Teachers, Black Teachers, Black Population Trends, College Admission, Educational Change, Equal Opportunities (Jobs), Teacher Certification, Professional Development, Professional Recognition, Teacher Motivation, Elementary Secondary Education, Teacher Salaries, Tests, Career Ladders.


This practicum was concerned with the need for recruitment of minorities into the teaching profession. The problem exists that there is a shortage of minority educators while, at the same time a growing minority school population. This discrepancy was documented by a national survey of the states' Department of Education, the narrative responses and research. Although the duration of the implementation period lasted for six months, response to the implementation is still ongoing. Respondents were asked to indicate if the state had a critical teacher shortage. Sixty-eight percent of the states responded to the survey. Eighteen States (53 percent) replied that FEA is being developed within the school systems and/or there is interest in creating FEA. Seven states (21 percent) replied that there is no FEA organization within the state. Nine states (26 percent) replied that it is not known if FEA exists within the state. Of the 21 percent of the states with no FEA in the state 57 percent indicate that there is a critical teacher shortage (or shortages within subject areas). Further, of the 21 percent stating that there is no FEA, 100 percent state that there is no interest in forming FEA chapters. Of the 26 percent of the states replying that it is unknown if FEA exists within the state 67 percent indicate that there is a critical teacher shortage (or shortages within subject areas). Further, of the 26 percent stating FEA is unknown, 11 percent state that there is interest in forming FEA chapters; with 89 percent responding that it is unknown if any interest exists to establish FEA in the state.

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