Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Writing (Composition), Writing Instructions, Sentences, Sentence Combining, Grammar, Writing Exercises, Writing Skills


Tenth grade students in two English Honors classes were given direct instruction on sentence combining. The goal of the program was to increase the syntactic complexity of student writing, to have them express more in each sentence. Instruction was approached from different aspects. The students worked with two textbooks on sentence combining. They worked with sentences from the newspaper and a magazine. There were lessons in sentence combining as a means to understanding the style of two authors. Sentences combining was used as a means to encourage substantial revision of essays. Writing an abstract of the research paper was approached through sentence combining. Exercises utilizing different levels of thinking were also included. According to a pre-test and post-test measure by T-unit length, students progressed an average of four years during a ten week period.

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