

Historical learning from the 1918 Pandemic assists with grasping and focus of the present one. Engaging multi-disciplinary healthcare students in virtual reality scenarios with visual inclusion of Soul Injury staging will promote new pathways of care for healthcare workers, families, and the public affected by the present Pandemic. Virtual reality scenario simulation success is supported by social presence, social learning, and media richness theories. The Covid-19 and variant Pandemics effects include, insurmountable loss of life, loss of economic stability, loss of normal lifestyle, family function, and culture. Therefore, development of The Soul-Injury-Pathway-of-Care for patients, ancillary healthcare workers, families, and the general public affected by the present Pandemic and subsequent variants is mandated. The application of virtual reality scenarios coupled with Pandemic viral education will assist with recognition that a massive form of Soul Injury has occurred and the need for creation of therapeutic recovery pathways of care.



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