

The emergence of the use of technology in the classroom and the demand for on-line classes has created a challenge for organizational leaders in higher education to retain students and foster an atmosphere conducive to student success. The purpose of this article is to assist those leaders in determining if a leadership growth plan could be a valuable component of a comprehensive professional development plan to increase student success. The discussion in this article is based on the triangulated findings of a qualitative case study designed to generate unbiased, rich, and in-depth information from those involved in degree programs at an institution of higher learning in a southeastern state (Wyatt, 2016). Students, administrators, and teachers were surveyed and interviewed and provided information pertinent to the impact of leaders and leadership skills on student success. Success for the study was defined as the percentage of students in the four-year college study site who remain in school, increase their mean grade point average and, thus, eventually graduate or choose to transfer to another institution of higher learning.



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