Staff Presentations, Proceedings, Lectures, and Symposia

Event Location / Date(s)

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), Edgewater, MD / April 17-20, 2018

Document Type


Presentation Date


Conference Name / Publication Title

SAIL 2018 - Rising Tides in Research & Preservation


The Halmos College of Natural Science and Oceanography at Nova Southeastern University has been at the forefront of open accessibility and transparency of scholarly output for the institution. As one of the pioneers for the institutional repository, NSUWorks, Halmos College has been able to make great headway in creating new opportunities for the students, staff, and faculty to create and showcase their research. This presentation aims to show how the Oceanographic Campus Library has created a mutualistic relationship with administrative staff and faculty to create a cultural change in how we, as a college, operate. From subtle changes in library-managed processes to very conspicuous modifications to faculty profiles and administrative processes, the library is firmly establishing its foothold in all phases of the research lifecycle. By strategically partnering with college-wide departments the library does not traditionally work with, we are making the library an invaluable asset in streamlining processes for the university.
