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Nova Law Review, staff, editorial board, 1996, 1997, editors, law students, yearbook, photo, law review


This posed photograph depicts the editorial board and members of the Nova Law Review during the 1996-1997 academic year. This photograph appeared in the First Amendment yearbook .

The first caption reads, "The Nova Law Review completed its twenty-first year by successfully publishing for its Volume 21. The combined efforts of the dedicated Board of Editors, Associate Editors, and the staff made Volume 21 a banner publication. Additionally, the law review proudly established its First Annual Symposium Lecture Series, where respected legal scholars visited the law center and taught classes as part of a symposium class during the Winter Term. Each of these individuals will be writing an article based upon their lecture, with input from both student and faculty feedback, for publication in the Winter 1998 Symposium issue. This increased national exposure, combined with a growing subscription base and the diversification of law review operations made 1996-1997 a truly remarkable year for the Nova Law Review."

The second caption reads, "Front row, from left to right: Geri Mankoff, Kevin Frein, Allison Carmine, Tammy Knight, Dawn Schiller-Articles Editor, Michelle LaRue, Brian Simon."

The third caption reads, "Back Row, from left to right: Robert Behar, Amy Grable, Thomas Thurlow III-Lead Articles Editor, Jonathon Streisfeld-Articles Editor, Christopher Ritchie, Aimee Cernicharo-Executive Editor, Pamela Grampa-Associate Editor, Jason Gunter, Zelica Grieve-Associate Editor, Tim M. Benter-Editor in Chief, Vanessa Prieto-Articles Editor, Gregory McMahon, Michael Scneider-Articles Editor, Terry Feld-Technical Editor, Paul Jones, Lanie Marshall, E. Ashley Curtis, Deborah McTigue, Brooke Davis-Articles Editor."

Date Digitized

Spring 2019

Date Original



This is an electronic .jpeg file that was created from the original photo that appeared in the 1997 Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law School First Amendment yearbook.

Digital Collection

Nova Law Review Staff Yearbook Photos


This photograph portrays the full staff of the Nova Law Review during the 1996-1997 academic year.




This photograph was scanned from the 1997 edition of the First Amendment yearbook created at the Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law.


Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law


Nova Law Review, Volume 21


The yearbooks from prior years are housed in the Nova University Shepard Broad College of Law's Panza Maurer Law Library as well as the Law Alumni office.




Nova Law Review, staff, editorial board, 1996, 1997, editors, law students, yearbook, photo, law review

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