Using Autoethnography to Explore Change in the Female Educator

Presenter Information

Leslie Pourreau



Format Type


Start Date

January 2015

End Date

January 2015


What defines a chameleon professionally and personally in the world of education? Why does this matter? Using the Listening Guide (Gilligan, Spencer, Weinberg, & Bertsch, 2003) and theme-based family coding, I analyzed my journals to explore meanings behind the chameleon metaphor as related to my personal and professional identity as a female educator. Themes emerged that highlighted the importance of self-inquiry for educators as an applied practice within the greater context of the profession.


Breakout Session G

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Jan 10th, 1:10 PM Jan 10th, 1:30 PM

Using Autoethnography to Explore Change in the Female Educator


What defines a chameleon professionally and personally in the world of education? Why does this matter? Using the Listening Guide (Gilligan, Spencer, Weinberg, & Bertsch, 2003) and theme-based family coding, I analyzed my journals to explore meanings behind the chameleon metaphor as related to my personal and professional identity as a female educator. Themes emerged that highlighted the importance of self-inquiry for educators as an applied practice within the greater context of the profession.