A Look Into Abstinence Only Sex Education vs. Comprehensive Sex Education

Researcher Information

Katrin Scheurer

Project Type


Start Date

2011 12:00 AM

End Date

2011 12:00 AM

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Jan 1st, 12:00 AM Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

A Look Into Abstinence Only Sex Education vs. Comprehensive Sex Education

For almost two decades between the years of 1990 and 2010, many schools in the US were educating their young people on sex via abstinence only programs. Abstinence only sex education means that when students are taught in school about sex that they are taught abstinence is the only way (Barnett & Hurst, 2003). In comprehensive sex education the students would be taught more information about different contraceptives, sexual health and sexual decision making (Barnett & Hurst, 2003). In February, 2010, after years of federal funding for abstinence only sex education, President Obama cut this budget by $170 million. The Obama administrations’ reasoning on this was because many studies have said that abstinence only sex education does not work. After many states studied these programs, conclusions have been made that abstinence only sex education may work temporarily. However, it does not teach our young people everything they may need to know in order to adequately protect themselves.