The Meaningless of Life

Researcher Information

Michael Bergbauer

Project Type


Start Date

4-4-2008 12:00 AM

End Date

4-4-2008 12:00 AM

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Apr 4th, 12:00 AM Apr 4th, 12:00 AM

The Meaningless of Life

Humankind has traditionally, throughout the ages, attempted to apply a meaning to its existence and believed that existence in and of itself, is a beautiful thing. In the spirit of Modernism, Beckett breaks with this tradition by asserting that existence is a bleak and squalid thing that has no meaning through his plays Waiting for Godot andEndgame. An analysis of these two plays reveals that life is inherently meaningless, but value in life is created by man by affirming it and practicing it. The reason the characters in Beckett’s plays are so miserable is because they take no action. Because meaning is different for everyone, life is actually richer for it because of the diversity. In this light, Beckett has made life richer through tragedy – a truly Modernist concept.