Post-Absurdism: Ionesco and the Juxtaposition of Absurdism and Postmodernism

Researcher Information

Elizabeth B. Harbaugh

Project Type


Start Date

30-3-2007 12:00 AM

End Date

30-3-2007 12:00 AM

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Mar 30th, 12:00 AM Mar 30th, 12:00 AM

Post-Absurdism: Ionesco and the Juxtaposition of Absurdism and Postmodernism

The purpose of this paper is to situate Eugène Ionesco’s dramatic works within an historical, literary, and theoretical framework. By examining the influences of both absurdism and postmodernism on Eugène Ionesco’s work, we can discern specific cultural and philosophical issues concerning Europeans, artists, and the general world population following the Second World War. Eugène Ionesco’s works are ultimately extremely historically and theatrically significant and worthy of study, despite a contemporary distance from absurdism as a worthy field of study.