Robots in Medicine

Researcher Information

Lauren Stephens

Project Type



Alvin Sherman Library 2053

Start Date

4-4-2003 12:00 AM

End Date

4-4-2003 12:00 AM

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Apr 4th, 12:00 AM Apr 4th, 12:00 AM

Robots in Medicine

Alvin Sherman Library 2053

The objective of this literature research project is to show how robots are becoming more and more part of our lives in medicine. Today robots are able to operate from the brain to the hip. Robots are also starting to play a significant role in the pharmaceutical industry. There are many different types of robots and they all do a wide range of tasks. Some examples are autonomous robots, which perform fixed functions, and microbots that are tiny experimental devices that perform tasks like delivering drugs within the body. In my literature research I discovered two different peer-reviewed experiments that tested how well robots function in medicine. The first experiment involved individuals using robot- assisted therapy, which was compared to manual physical therapy done by a therapist. Individuals using robot assisted therapy showed larger improvements in their proximal movement after one month of training and an increase in strength after two months. The second experiment performed involved testing simple laparoscopic maneuvers on seven pigs and there were no complications. This experiment showed how with the use of a robot surgical dexterity can be enhanced. Robots improve the quality of physical therapy, make smaller incisions, enhance technique, and remove natural hand tremor. Further innovations in instruments for robotics should make devices more user-friendly, thus improving ergonomics, tactile perception, and force feedback. The role of robots in medicine is developing at a fast pace, however there are still many more obstacles to overcome.