Use of FTIR and Fluorescent Tracers for Product Identification in Quartz Aggregate Pool Plasters

Researcher Information

Craig Dean

Project Type



Alvin Sherman Library 1054

Start Date

19-4-2002 12:00 AM

End Date

19-4-2002 12:00 AM

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Apr 19th, 12:00 AM Apr 19th, 12:00 AM

Use of FTIR and Fluorescent Tracers for Product Identification in Quartz Aggregate Pool Plasters

Alvin Sherman Library 1054

Diamond Brite, a registered trademark of Southern Grouts and Mortars, is the industry standard for quartz aggregate pool finishes. Southern Grouts and Mortars also confidently extends a 10 years warrantee on the material. Other manufacturers of pool plasters emulate the Diamond Brite finish. Some less than scrupulous installers will sell a Diamond Brite pool plaster finish and then substitute lower cost materials produced by these other manufacturers. If the plaster has a failure, the pool owner, believing they have a Diamond Brite pool out Southern Grouts and Mortars for the warrantee. This presentation describes the use of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to discern differences in the polymers used in the manufacturing process. This study also demonstrates additional product identification through the use of ultraviolet, UV, fluorescent tracers.