"The Motorcyclist as Revolutionary: Looking for Mr. Guevara" by Barbara Brodman

CAHSS Faculty Articles

The Motorcyclist as Revolutionary: Looking for Mr. Guevara

Publication Title

International Journal of Motorcycle Studies

Publication Date

Spring 3-1-2008


In 1996, I found myself in Cambridge, England, browsing through Heffer’s bookstore, which was featuring a recently published English translation of Ernesto “Che” Guevara’s motorcycle diaries.[1] As a Latin Americanist, I was very familiar with the life and works of Che Guevara, the 20th century revolutionary, who had served as a leader of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, Cuban-backed insurgencies in Africa in the mid-1960s, and an unsuccessful attempt to revive the Bolivian Revolution in 1967 that had cost him his life. But Che, the young man, was something new, and his diaries could provide important insight into his subsequent life as a revolutionary.





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