Start Date

28-2-2020 10:35 AM

End Date

28-2-2020 11:35 AM

Author Bios

Jimmy Arocho has served on Nova Southeastern University Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine's Gulf War Illness Consortium's executive committee for the past three years, and is an enthusiastic asset to our research program. He speaks nationally on the research program, assists in recruitment, and advocates within the regional VA, as well as, national Veterans’ organizations promoting the research program. As a retired master sergeant, he is a highly effective communicator, and has been an integral member of research leadership for the last three years.

Bill Watts is a Gulf War Combat Veteran who deployed with the 4th Battalion, 5thAir Defense Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division, during the Gulf War and liberation of Kuwait. He lives in Doral, Florida, and serves on several governmental committees and research panels throughout the country to bring awareness to Gulf War Illness and the Veterans who served. Mr. Watts received numerous awards during his military service and after service received the Congressional Veteran Commendation, Florida State Senate Veteran’s Champion Award and the City of Doral Certificate of Recognition just to name a few of his achievements. He was appointed by the Mayor and City Council to serve on the City of Doral’s Military Advisory Committee. Mr. Watts is the Director of Operations for Fishing with America’s Finest, a non-profit group that works with Veterans suffering from PTSD, physical, or other mental disabilities using Piscatorial Therapy. He participates and advises in Research performed by the Miami VA Medical Center and Nova Southeastern University to improve the health of Gulf War Veterans and was chosen to be a Military Consumer Reviewer for the Washington, DC, Gulf War Illness Research Program (GWIRP).

Anthony Hardie is the author of 91outcomes, a Gulf War health and news website and serves as the National Board Chair & Director of Veterans for Common Sense (VCS). He leads VCS’s policy formulation and public advocacy efforts and has served with the treatment-focused U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) on Gulf War Illness (GWIRP), as a consumer reviewer with the program’s managing Programmatic Panel since the program’s creation in 2006, and as its Chair since 2015. Mr. Hardie previously served from 2006 to 2013 on the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses (RAC). Additionally, he served on the VA’s Gulf War Steering Committee from its inception in 2010 until it concluded its work in 2012 to develop a strategic plan for VA for Gulf War illness research.

David Patterson is an 18-year US Air Force veteran, deploying to many different areas in the world as a Flight, Emergency, and ICU nurse. Since retiring from the Military, David has devoted many years in the Specialty Pharmacy market, dedicating his time to improving healthcare outcomes for both military and civilian patients with complex diseases, thus improving quality of life. David currently works as the Clinic Manager for the Neurology Clinic and Clinical Trials Division of the Roskamp Institute, a non-profit biomedical research facility specializing neurological research including Alzheimer's Disease, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Gulf War illness.

Streaming Media


Feb 28th, 10:35 AM Feb 28th, 11:35 AM

Veterans' Panel: Veteran Perspectives on Gulf War Illness