"Making the Invisible, Visible: The Body and the Nation in Laura Ruiz M" by Yvette Fuentes

Document Type



This study analyzes A Ciegas, a one-act playby the Cuban writer Laura Ruiz Montes (Matanzas, 1966). In this work, Ruiz Montes relies upon both the erotic (specifically the female body) and the supernatural, to underscore the complex nature of gender and sexuality within Cuba’s national history. In A Ciegas, the female body and female sexuality appear in the shadows, “invisible” within the nation. Ruiz Montes juxtaposes present and past, realism and the supernatural, and heterosexual and homosexual desire in order to elucidate the various forms of difference that remain outside official national discourses.

Author Bio(s)

Yvette Fuentes, Ph.D., associate professor at the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, earned her Ph.D. in Spanish with an emphasis on Latin American Literature from the University of Miami in 2002. Her research focuses on Hispanic Caribbean Literature and U.S. Latino/a Culture. Some of her publications have appeared in Anthuriam: A Caribbean Studies Journal, Caribe: Revista de Cultura y Literatura, Letras Femeninas, and sx salon: A Small Axe Literary Platform. She teaches Spanish language and literature at NSU.