First row left to right:
- Larry Rein, Child Net Inc.
- Dr. Patrick Hardigan, NSU
- Dr. Jacquelyn Dwoskin, NSU
- Dr. Kimberly Durham, NSU
- Dr. Ken Johnson, NSU
- Dr. Steve Ronik, Henderson Mental Health Center
Second row left to right:
- Dr. Guy Nehrenz, NSU
- Dr. John Baldwin, NSU
- Cindy Arenberg-Seltzer, Children Services Council
- Dr. Debbie Anderson, NSU
- Dr. Bruce Brydges, NSU
- Dr. Michael Gaffley, NSU
- Dr. Leonard Levy, NSU
Back row left to right:
- Dr. Bob Oller, (Reviewer) NSU
- Ray Ferrero, President, NSU
- Dr. John Dodds (Reviewer), NSU