Series Title
Physics Lab Experiments with Simulated Data for Remote Delivery
Course Title
Physics I
Publication Date
A simple pendulum is used to determine the acceleration due to gravity.
Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Physics
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Copyright Statement
© Diego Castano, Ph.D.
These labs are for educational purposes only. All credit should be cited to the author, Dr. Diego Castano, and Nova Southeastern University. To obtain permission to use these labs beyond the rights granted here, please contact Diego Castano, castanod@nova.edu
Instructor Manual
If you are an instructor and need the instructor manual for these labs, please contact Dr. Diego Castano at the link above.
Recommended Citation
Castano, Diego, "Experiment 1.09: The Simple Pendulum" (2022). Physics Lab Experiments with Simulated Data for Remote Delivery. 3.
I am indebted to colleagues, past and present (Bryan Armentrout, Victor Castro, Lawrence Hawkins, Stefan Kautsch, Andrew Kiene, Louis Nemzer, and Carlos Nunez), whose input, in one form or another, has been invaluable to the elaboration of the lab manual in its current edition.