Volume 1, Issue 1 (2015) November 2015
Full Issue
November 2015 Issue
OCCUPATION: A Medium of Inquiry for Students, Faculty & Other Practitioners Advocating for Health through Occupational Studies
Living the Implicit Curriculum, Leaving a Legacy
Ricardo Carrasco
The Occupational Benefits of Children Farming
Ellie Edrissi
Societal Statement on the Role of Occupational Therapy with
Survivors of Human Sex Trafficking in the United States
Chelsea Bryant, Lillian Freeman, Meghan Granata, Annie He, Hillarie Hough, Shree Patel, Ashley Stedman, Stephanie Silvia, and My-Lynn Tran
Global Issue of Clean Water as it Impacts Occupation
Hillary E. W. Anderson

- Editor-in-Chief
- Ricardo Carrasco
- Associate Editor
- Mariana D’Amico
- Reviewers
- Mirtha Whaley
- Gustavo Reinoso
- Ricky Davenport
- Dennis McCarthy
- Thomas Decker
- Sheila Longpré
All rights held by the OCCUPATION: A Medium of Inquiry for Students, Faculty & Other Practitioners Advocating for Health through Occupational Studies journal. In order to reproduce, photocopy, or reprint any information held in this journal, permission must be obtained from Copyright Clearance Center.